Workshop with Laia Abril

14-15 giugno
Fotoleggendo 2017

Building and conceptualizing narratives

Quando: 14 e 15 giugno 2017
Orari: dalle 10 alle 17
Costo: 200 euro
Info: of@officinefotografiche.org


The workshop will focus on the analysis and construction of different narratives providing a series of tools and strategies to enhance the storytelling of each project, adapted to various platforms. In the practical part, we will use the creative editing method based on a group brainstorming, as well as research and conceptualization of the projects in order to be able to evolve our work beyond the photographic scope.


In an ideal scenario, the student would bring to the workshop a photographic project (or other) developed or under development. In case the student brought a project still to be produced or an idea at an early stage, his production process in the workshop would focus more on the generation of ideas and a future work plan, without considering the editing of a book mock up, installation or multimedia.


Based on the method developed through the experience of Laia Abril as a photographer and creative editor of the magazine Colors Magazine; the multi-platform projects developed at FABRICA – Benetton’s Communication and Research Center; where she collaborated with designers, illustrators, video makers, writers, programmers or musicians; in addition to her long-term personal series and her work as book-maker; will be exemplified in order to motivate the participants to use “lateral thinking” to focus their photographic series as a creative project. Always from her experience of teamwork, the author will illustrate with several examples how the combination of different creative tools can transform an idea.


Laia Abril (Barcelona, 1986) is a photographer, bookmaker and visual artist from Barcelona. After graduating in Journalism in Barcelona and studying photography in New York; she enrolled FABRICA’s artist residency where she worked at COLORS Magazine as a creative editor and staff photographer for 5 years.

Her projects have been shown internationally including the United States, Canada, UK, China, Poland, Germany, Holland, Switzerland, France, Italy or Spain. Her work is held in private and public collections as Musée de l’Elysée, Winterthur Museum in Switzerland or MNAC in Barcelona. In 2015 she was nominated for Foam’s Paul Huf Award and the Joop Swart Masterclass in 2014, and more recently she has been awardered with Premio Revelación PhotoEspaña and the Madame Figaro – Rencontres Arles award for her exhibition A History of Misogyny, chapter one: On Abortion.

She self-published Thinspiration in 2012, Tediousphilia (Musée de l’Elysée, 2014) and The Epilogue (Dewi Lewis, 2014), which was highly acclaimed and shortlisted for the ParisPhoto-Aperture First Book Award, Kassel PhotoBook Festival and Photo España Best Book Award. Her new book-project Lobismuller (RM, 2016) — holder of the Images Book Award, on the story of the most enigmatic and bloodthirsty serial killer of the Spanish history, was presented in Paris Photo 2016. She is currently working in her new long-term project A History of Misogyny, which first chapter On Abortion will be published by Dewi Lewis on 2017.

